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Getting Started

If you just registered for an ARC Portal account, you will receive your username and a temporary password by email after information has been verified during regular business hours. You only need one ARC Portal account to access the different systems below within the ARC Portal - Applications for Research Compliance.

Click on the type of research you will be involved with to get started with steps to take and information while you wait for your registration to be processed. 

  Animal Research - eIACUC within ARC
  Biosafety Research - BiosafetyNet

Please take note of the following important details regarding the use or manipulation of biohazardous materials and/or rDNA in research and/or teaching laboratory activities:

All laboratory activities that involve the use or manipulation of biohazardous materials and/or rDNA require IBC review and approval.

IBC Protocols: IBC protocols are submitted on our web-based platform called BiosafetyNet. To assist in completing the submission process, guidance documents and resources are available on the BiosafetyNet Training page. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us at

Meeting Schedule: The IBC meets on the third Tuesday of every month. You may find the IBC meeting schedule on our webpage.
Biosafety Training: All personnel who will work with or manipulate biohazardous materials and/or rDNA must complete USF Biosafety training.

If you have not previously taken Biosafety training (Principles and Practices of Safety), you may register for the training once a month remotely via Teams on our Biosafety Course registration page.

If you have previously completed Biosafety training, you may complete any ONE of our online courses. You may register for the course on our Continuing Education registration form.

Note: You may also check your past Biosafety training certificates at this link: Biosafety Certificates: Find and Print your Biosafety Training Certificates.
Lab Setup/Inspections: Your lab will undergo an inspection as part of the approval process. Visit our Laboratory Inspection page to get information that will assist you in setting up and preparing your lab.
  Conflict of Interest in Research - eCOI within ARC

There are two different types of COI applications within the ARC system. Project Specific Disclosures (PSD) are for any study team members that have a conflict of interest with the research protocol they are on. Interest Inventory is an application that researchers must fill out if they are using federal funding for their research protocol.

Please click here for the COI Disclosure and Review Guide
When do I submit a project specific disclosure (PSD)?
Any Investigator with a Significant Financial Interest (SFI) related to a USF research project, no matter the funding source, must submit a Project Specific Disclosure (also called an electronic Conflict of Interest form / eCOI) as soon as they learn the project will be funded, prior to engaging in the related research.

What do I disclose?
  • More than $5,000, when combined, remuneration from AND equity in a publicly traded entity.
  • More than $5,000 in remuneration from OR any equity in a non-publicly traded entity.
  • Proprietary interests (e.g. full patents, trademarks, copyrights, licensing agreements). A proprietary interest is considered to be present as soon as a patent is granted or an option or license agreement is executed (including option and license agreements for provisional patents, patent applications, etc.).
  • Governing Positions: Position as director, officer, partner, trustee or member of board of directors (with or without compensation).
  • Reimbursed or sponsored travel (as required, instructions can be found on the Interest Inventory form).
Interest Inventory:
  • Investigators on research funded by any federal agency or an organization that has adopted the U.S. Public Health Service objectivity in research regulation must have a current Interest Inventory at proposal and at time of award, certify it annually throughout an award, and update it within 30 days of acquiring a new Significant Financial Interest (SFI).
  • Interest Inventories are only required for federal funded studies. They serve as a “bank” and when prompted to submit a PSD/ eCOI it will automatically populate your Interest Inventory items there.
  Human Subject Research - BullsIRB

For Human Subjects Research, applications will be filled out in BullsIRB. Below you will find information regarding some of the requirements and items that need to be completed before or while you complete the application.
  1. Complete your Human Subject Protection Education certification.

  2. Email your CV/resume and completed Human Subject Protection Education to the ARC Help Desk. Your CV/resume should clearly show that you are currently affiliated with USF or one of our affiliates (i.e., Moffitt, TGH, JAHVA, etc.).

  3. Prepare documents to upload to your BullsIRB application such as protocols, consent forms, if applicable, etc.

  4. Fill out the IRB application within BullsIRB. Step-by-step guidance videos for submitting applications can be found here.

The IRB program requires all study team members to have their CVs uploaded in the BullsIRB system and to have an approved and current Human Subject Protection Education course completed.

All applications require a protocol. There are some additional documents that will also need to be drafted and some of these documents have specific requirements. IRB guidance documents, videos, and other resources can be found here.

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Research Integrity & Compliance 
ARC Help Desk: (813) 974-2880 -
12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd, MDC35, Tampa, FL 33612-4799
Copyright © , University of South Florida. All rights reserved.